27 September 2018

After almost two years in the planning, CRL have successfully completed the £220K refurbishment of the top deck on car park 2 at Royal Derby Hospital. The works were undertaken for Skanska and were completed on time, allowing for the car park to be re-opened for the busy period at the end of the school holidays.
The area is immediately adjacent to one of the main entrances of the hospital and encompassed all the challenges of working on a live hospital with limited access and consideration for the needs of the patients and public alike. Deliveries had to be carefully co-ordinated to be out of hours, so as not to interfere with the busy access requirements of the day to day operation of the hospital with storage and lay down areas at a premium.
Whilst most of the country was happy to be basking in the hot sunshine, this posed difficulties with the deck temperatures when laying the materials. To combat this, CRL’s workforce had to be very flexible with the working times, often starting work very early in the morning before the deck temperatures were too high to lay the Triflex HD system.
CRL would like to thank Skanska (Client) for their assistance in working with us to complete this six week project on time. Richard Smith, the Skanska Project Manager, and his team played a crucial role during both the planning and implementation phases of the works. They were also highly complementary about the finished product which was testament to the efforts of the CRL site team, Nigel Jeffery (Site Foreman), Jake Lovell, Gary Bell, Ingus Klavins, Alan Wardleworth and Marcin Dettlaff.
Gary Dobinson
Site Manager.
Royal Derby Hospital Car Park 2. Top Deck Waterproofing Refurbishment