Mental Health
From HSE website:
One in four people in the UK will have a mental health problem at some point. While mental health problems are common, most are mild, tend to be short-term and are normally successfully treated, with medication, by a GP.
Mental health is about how we think, feel and behave. Anxiety and depression are the most common mental health problems. They are often a reaction to a difficult life event, such as bereavement, but can also be caused by work-related issues.
Work can also aggravate pre-existing conditions, and problems at work can bring on symptoms or make their effects worse.
It Is Important to Talk
If you need help you can contact Health Assured which is a free and confidential helpline.
Contact Details- 0800 023 2296 Let them know you are an employee of the ‘Centura Group Policy’
Submitted by Sharon O'Sullivan
Alternatively you can contact Sarsen Health (Centura Group’s Occupational Health Service Provider)
Call 01483 730143 and ask for Shannon Doherty
Mental Wellbeing
We all have experienced situations in life that challenge our mental wellbeing and often this is the everyday stuff of life- problems with family, relationships, money, work, or even bereavement. Most of us will have support from friends and family but on occasion it helps to talk things through with someone outside our situation, and Centura offers a range of support.
Mental Health First Aiders
Centura’s team of mental health first aiders can help with a listening ear or to just talk things through.
Centura has partnered with Health Assured to provide one to one counselling services that are completely confidential and free for employees. Help from a qualified counselling practitioner can help support employees through difficult times with talking therapy.
Centura Group’s Occupational Health Service Provider
On occasion, there will be times when mental stress is becoming distress and may be a clinical condition such as anxiety or depression. At such times, it is invaluable to talk to a qualified registered health professional. Centura employees can self-refer in complete confidence to the Occupational Health team at Sarsen Health. Occupational Health is a branch of medicine concerned with health at work, and often we are the link between the workplace and our NHS colleagues. It may be that we refer an employee on to their GP with a letter to support a face to face appointment to discuss options for treatment, or we can suggest other measures aimed at helping support a person to remain in work. Either way, we are happy to take calls from employees and support Centura’s strategy for mental wellbeing, and no contact will be reported to management without your agreement.