16 July 2018
Update from Gravelly Hill

CRL have commenced the next phase of works to the Gravelly Hill Viaduct with our partner Kier, as the Principal Contractor.
The total value of the combined package of the P64 and P86 works is in excess of £5m and incorporates 16 bent structures that elevate a section of the Gravelly Hill Interchange. The bents carry the motorway slip roads from the M6 South, into Birmingham City Centre over access roads and Highways England land.
The project scope of works is to strip out and replace the existing cathodic protection, undertake concrete repairs where necessary and install new ribbon mesh CP systems. At the same time, we will remove and replace all the existing drainage with new and re-paint the “I” beams.
The activities at each bent will include high pressure water treatment to enable surface preparation of the concrete beam surfaces and hydro-demolition to remove any delaminated or de-bonded concrete. The ribbon mesh cathodic protection system will be installed on each of the bent crossbeams, panel walls and tops of columns after the repairs have been completed.
To date, concrete foundations to enable scaffold erection have been set out and poured, hydro-demolition work to high level column repairs have commenced and scaffold towers have been constructed to a number of bents to facilitate access to the beams. The overall project duration has been programmed as approximately 12 months in total.