I am very pleased to confirm that CRL has once again passed the accreditation of its performance against the internationally recognised Investors in People Standard.
Our IiP auditor has been working in the company since January and has personally spoken to more than 50% of our staff. Our overall results are ahead of not only the construction industry average but also the IiP benchmark across all sectors.
The auditor is very impressed with our management of health and safety and especially the attitude towards working safely without compromise on our sites. He also makes special mention of our training and development and the career support that we offer to all our employees.
There are clearly some areas in which we can improve. We will look carefully at those areas and make changes to our processes to address the auditors recommendations.
CRL is audited regularly against many technical and legal requirements and standards. In many respects IiP is the most important as it is the standard that focuses on the way we employ and develop our most important asset, our staff.
Thank you to all staff who participated in this process. I will ensure that we provide sufficient support and resources to maintain these high standards long in to the future.
Tony Rimoldi.