24 September 2019
CRL Chesterfield Achieve FORS Bronze Accreditation

Following the commencement of the new Area 10 Highways England framework, we were provided with a list of mobilisation requirements. One of the most time consuming of all the requirements was the need to achieve Bronze level accreditation with FORS (Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme).
CRL's existing policies all had to be reviewed, a number of additional policies, procedures, risk assessments and forms had to be created. All drivers records needed to be updated, additional training was required as well as complete vehicle records for the last three years produced. A huge thank you to Keysha Parker for working through each section of the FORS standard and ensuring we were compliant.
A full days audit was carried out in August, with just two minor faults picked up. Both of these were rectified and on 16th September 2019 we received confirmation that we had successfully passed the audit and were awarded our Bronze Accreditation.
The hard work does not stop here, we now need to achieve the Silver level accreditation within the next 12 months.
As we continue to work with Highways England, this requirement will undoubtedly be written in to future contracts - this achievement now should make the mobilisation of future HE contracts far more straight forward.